Clothing Lab

Everyday dressing can be tedious or transformational. No matter which it is for you, the process involves many decisions that are valuable to researchers.

Do your clothes fit, or how do you choose to fit in them? Do clothes speak for you, or how do you speak to others with the language of fashion? Does what you wear reflect a place, a moment in time, a style you like? Is some item helping you through your day, like a great pair of shoes? Are you “powering through” something tight, or heavy or itchy?

Create your own system to track why you wear what you wear each day. This conscious effort can help transform the larger world of fashion!

Connect with me to share your insights

From heartbreak

The situation in India is devastating. Has it reached its lowest depth or is there worse to come? What will rise from the ashes?

My worst fears have come to pass but worst fears for the world have not yet come to pass. What can be done? Share vaccines, send food and oxygen. Every religion references, and non-religious person knows the golden rule.

The apparel connection? Driving wages down hurts infrastructure in healthcare and education in poor countries.

So far one of India’s older companies, Borosil a leader in glass panels for solar energy has promised to pay wages and support the families of those employees who fell sick or died. This is leadership.

Can apparel brands operating in India pledge to do the same?

Let’s begin

I like to keep things simple. The fashion industry is complex and grappling with many issues.

There is an opportunity and a need to build what I call “better fashion futures” by connecting students and graduates, to designers, artisans and local manufacturing.

There are societal needs that must be addressed that go beyond greening practices. I am inspired by students who are talented and want to bring about change.

Email is best to contact me or

Leah Barrett